Business owners, including manufacturers, look for ways, tools, and techniques to increase and boost their productivity and profitability. Thus, the first thing required is a system that can track the losses and can record and report them. The significant traditional losses that the manufacturers face are equipment failure, reduced speed, setup, adjustments, and others. These […]
Top 10 Manufacturing ERP Software Solutions for 2025
The manufacturing business landscape has been changing and growing continuously. Several factors have been contributing to the growth and progress of the manufacturing industry in India. In addition, the needs of the manufacturing industry and thus the manufacturers have also been changing. Therefore, the manufacturing ERP software is playing a crucial role in this ever evolving and […]
ManufApp Joins CII Delegation to Germany for Industry 4.0 & Smart Manufacturing
🚀 Expanding Horizons: ManufApp at Indo-German Business Partnership Program We are excited to announce that ManufApp has been selected as part of the prestigious CII delegation to Germany under the Indo-German Business Partnership Program (IGBPP)! This Government-sponsored initiative, supported by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (Germany) and the Ministry of […]