Smart Tool Life Tracker

Use Case: Providing a” Smart Tool Life” Tracker to help monitor the residual life of Tools.

Customer Profile: Continuous, Discrete Manufacturer using Automated machines that require different tools to manufacture different products.

Challenge: Customer was facing problems on product quality, machine downtime owing to over usage of tools or because of tool-breakage. This led to loss for customers as their vendor ratings were affected, loss of profitability owing to idling of high capacity expensive automatic machines and labor.

Solution Approach: 

  • Integrating Production records with Tool Ids to create a unique relationship of items produced and Tool used.
  • Creating Customized forms to capture the production on each machine and thereby identify the appropriate tool used.
  • Capturing the “end of life” of different tools used and building custom logic for determining the residual life of each tool.
  • Providing a Tool Life Dashboard to users for multiple tools used.
  • Customized alerts for Tool Repair- Scheduled and Preventive Maintenance.
  • Providing an on-line/platform-based maintenance logbook which can be easily accessed and audited.



  • Significant reduction in Product Quality issues related to improper Tool maintenance.
  • Reduction in Machine Breakdown because of tool-breakage.
  • Keeping an optimum inventory of tools and therefore no excess or duplication of tools.
  • System generated alerts and notifications for maintenance, thus hard to miss schedules.