Paving Path for Smart & Informed Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry is using nearly 40.2% of IOT devices. It indicates that using industrial IOT devices is gradually becoming a natural practice. If you are still wondering whether your factory unit needs industrial IOT devices, think again. The manufacturing sector is largely relying on the latest technologies to evolve into a more profitable business and stay ahead of the curve through a data-driven business model. The traditional simple manufacturing supply chain can be transformed by the industrial IOT into a dynamic, interconnected digital supply network that easily incorporates ecosystem partners. It can change the way products are made and delivered, ensure better safety for human operators, made factories highly efficient, and sometimes save a good amount of money. Hence, it is the right time to leverage IIOT in your business and turn it into the most reliable company to do business with.

Let us understand how IOT is effective in the manufacturing sector:

How Does IoT Work in Manufacturing?

Industrial IOT is a digital transformation of the manufacturing process that is carried out by employing a network of sensors that collect vital production data and make use of cloud software to turn data into valuable insights, thereby enhancing the efficiency of the manufacturing operations. It provides better control over the production process while enabling automation in the entire industrial facility. The technology connects sensors with machines and industrial equipment, which is further connected with a secure cloud network. The sensors send an alert message to staff members for either replacement or repairing of equipment before an unexpected situation occurs. The sensors also collect data related to the health of the machine and keep updating about the status of the machine operation. Overall, IIOT helps staff understand when exactly the machine needs maintenance and replacement before any damage takes place, helping your factory transform into a smart manufacturing unit.

How Industrial IOT transforms your manufacturing units?

Predicts the Need for Maintenance

The greatest benefit of the Industrial IOT is that it dramatically improves operating efficiencies. The IoT sensors on the equipment monitor the operating environment, collect related real-time data and send it to the cloud to perform analytics and to evaluate the actual damage caused in the equipment. For example, if a machine goes down, then the connected sensors automatically find where the issue is occurring and trigger a service request. The IOT also prompts for service and repair, creating more efficiency in the maintenance process. It also helps the manufacturer predicts the likely breakdown of machinery before it happens.

Increases Energy Efficiency

Manufacturing machinery consumes a large amount of energy to operate and produce products, which leads to huge expenses. The energy bill generated, displays the overall energy consumption in a unit and not the amount of energy consumed by an individual machine. The IOT points out exactly which part of the machine is consuming more energy. Also, it helps to compare the costs, energy efficiencies, and the carbon footprint of alternative resources to incorporate more effective options in their manufacturing processes.

Reduce Chance of Errors

IIOT allows manufacturers to digitize every part of their manufacturing process by reducing manual processes and entries to a great extent. This further eliminates the risk associated with manual labor that is human error. It not only checks operational and manufacturing errors but also reduces the risk of cyber and data breaches that mostly occur due to human error. With AI and machine learning-enabled programs, machinery carries out much of the required computing themselves, thereby eliminating the chance of simple human mistakes that put the manufacturer’s data at risk.

Improves the Product Quality

The issues in product quality arise due to faults in the machine. With IIoT, operating staff get an instant alert about any fault in the machine or defect in the produced goods. Therefore, they can fix it immediately to avoid defects in the rest of the product in the lot and improve the quality.

Minimizes Downtime Expenses

Machines stopping abruptly in the middle of the production cause a delay in production and heavy downtime expenses, which can be prevented using IIOT. The sensors attached to the machines detect any kind of abnormality in real-time, including a decline in performance. This allows field technicians to fix the machine long before it breaks down unexpectedly, reducing downtime expenses.

Makes Workplace Safer for Staff

Combining the industrial internet of things effectively with the analysis of big data can significantly increase safety in the workplace. The staff can monitor key performance indicators (KPI), such as equipment malfunction, machinery damage, and worker absences that impact the normal function of the machine to ensure better workplace conditions. IIOT paired with wearable devices allows manufacturer monitors workers’ state of health along with risky activities that may lead to injuries. It also addresses safety problems in a potentially hazardous environment. For instance, IIOT can be enabled in the oil and gas industry to monitor gas leakages as it travels through the pipe network.

Better Decision Making

Without IIOT, managers have to work or make decisions at the workplace based on their assumptions. IIOT provides an array of accurate and current information about the performance of machines, the ability to take the amount of load, and maximum production speed. These data help them make an informed decision on determining the stipulated time to complete the production of required lots. Also, they can use the data to allocate work in a better way and improve the machine performance if required.

Primary Pillars for a Fully Industrial Internet of Things

Enabled Operation

In order to harness the capabilities of Industrial IOT, an organization is required to digitize its manufacturing operations. Following are the four primary pillars that organizations must include to implement a fully IIOT-enabled operation:

  • Manufacturing machines should be equipped with IIOT software and sensors to track and collect data in real-time. This will alert the responsible staff located at any place about the machine failure or performance dip.
  • Make use of a cloud system to store the collected data and allow users to access and process the data from anywhere. Collecting and making use of the data within an organization will allow manufacturers to manage every aspect of their production with the help of real-time data. With the insight derived from the data, the manufacturer will be able to optimize production, quality of products, manage inventory and supply chains in a better way, and save money with less waste generated.
  • The advanced data analytics systems leverage data collected from the cloud and provide suggestions on improvement required in manufacturing or overall operations.
  • Trained employees to extract insights from collected data and reports and utilize them to streamline the manufacturing function.

Leverage Manufapp IIoT Solutions

Today manufacturers are digitizing at lightning speed and they understand that they need to be fast across all facets of operations to be competitive in today’s marketplace. The Industrial Internet of Things is sparked by the need for speed along with the advancement of IoT technologies. Thus, manufacturing businesses that are looking to completely transform their manufacturing process can seek our expertise for such a transition. Manufapp offer reliable Industrial IoT service for manufacturers who wish to utilize the data and insights at their fingertips, use them for making positive business decisions. Our IIoT solutions will help manufacturers monitor performance, maximize efficiency, manage predictive maintenance, etc.