The manufacturing landscape is fast-paced and is evolving consistently. There is a need to have access to real-time data from the shop floor. It helps to have greater visibility and control over the manufacturing company’s moving parts. It includes production, planning, quality, inventory, and beyond. Have you sought effective ways to fulfil this aim, achieve […]
How is Inventory Management different for Manufacturing
Among the four Ms of Manufacturing viz Machines, Method, Manpower and Material, Inventory is one of the most critical. Manufacturers view Low Inventory as a sign of Lean Production Management. Japanese companies formulated the concept of JIT (Just In Time) to ensure that manufacturers do not carry high inventories. High Inventory means money blocked in […]
Building Or Buying Your Manufacturing Execution System: Dilemma For Medium Enterprises
Modern fast-paced manufacturers are under extreme pressure to increase throughput, meet quality, minimize costs, and activate product personalization. Therefore, manufacturing organizations of different sectors are increasingly adopting the MES (Manufacturing Execution System), as an advanced and powerful solution. MES applications are available in different shapes and sizes. Some of them are home-grown applications while others […]
Increasing Use Of Artificial Intelligence By SMEs
The manufacturing industry is no longer dependent on traditional methodologies in production. The research indicates, this is the second largest industry looking towards the advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Manufacturing to fix their production issues like lower production, poor quality, and higher manufacturing cost. As per another survey by Global Market […]
Manufacturing Execution System: Buyers’ Guide for Small and Medium Enterprises
Manufacturing Execution System (MES) or Manufacturing ERP systems has the fastest growing market in the Asia Pacific region with a predicted CAGR of 15.4%. The statistics entails that the MES is extensively being adopted by the manufacturing sector and is not limited to large enterprises only. Small and medium enterprises are equally showing interest […]
Digital Quality Inspection- Real time and Inline: Can It Replace Manual Visual Inspection?
Manual visual inspection in the manufacturing industry has been there for ages as trusted means to ensure that products meet pre-specified standards. Almost every standard factory either has its dedicated product quality control team or has a third-party inspection service provider for manual visual inspection. On the other hand, in recent times, digital quality inspection […]
How is Maintenance Practices Evolving with use of Iiot? [Preventive to Predictive To Prognostic]
Time-based equipment maintenance has been a general practice in the manufacturing industry. The machinery age was the primary factor to determine the need for equipment maintenance. However, worldwide, only 18% of machinery was found to fail due to its age and the rest because of other reasons. It clearly indicates that manufacturers must shift their focus […]
How Can COPQ (Cost of Poor Quality) Be Reduced In Manufacturing Companies By Digital Intervention?
Every organization is constantly under pressure to curb their COPQ (Cost of Poor Quality) while enhancing their revenues. Especially for manufacturing companies that often face loss due to defective products, thus reducing COPQ becomes a necessity. COPQ is a metric that quantifies the financial impact of poor quality in manufacturing processes. MES, or Manufacturing Execution […]
Rise of Smart Factory in today’s Digital World – What Impact & Benefits it brings for Manufacturing Industries?
Digital automation is re-shaping every industry and it is prevalent more than ever in the manufacturing industry in today’s times. Smart factory or Industry 4.0 is an aspect that brings the integration of cutting-edge technologies within a factory setting, creating intelligent factory automation that enables work-flow much cleverer, faster and efficient than traditional work process. […]